Idiots guide to turning off a powerbooks password Welcome to the complete and total idiots guide to turning off a powerbooks password. 1. Get someone that knows the password to turn the computer on. 2. Get a floppy disk (an extremly high tech piece of hardware extremly hard to come by ;) 3. Insert the floppy disk into the DISK DRIVE (not the CD rom, the disk drive is SQUARE ;) 4. Open the control panels folder through a series of double clicks (or, for the more daring, from the apple menu) 5. Copy the password control panel onto the disk, and trash the control panel, empy if you wish... I'm not sure if it works without deleting it (Probably ;) 6. Do whatever the hell you want, reboot it 15 times for all I care. 7. When finished, (or when the owner is coming back ;) insert the floppy disk as you did in step # (# stands for NUMBER) three(3) 8. Repeat step # (again, # stands for number) four (4). 9. Open the floppy disk. 10. Close the floppy disk, and put it back into the computer, idiot. 11. Allow me to rephrase step 9... Click two (2) times on the image of the floppy disk represented on your desktop. 12. Move the password control panel into the control panels folder. 13. Restart the computer to be sure that you didn't mess up. 14. If you messed up, move to canada, and hope that the computer owner doesn't kick your ass for disabling the password. 15. If you didn't mess up, send praise to macman, and click on his sponsor's link a couple billion times... In fact, make a KeyQuencer script to click on it, go back, click on it, go back.... So macman will become extremly rich, and will give the unknown writer of this article loads of moolah. Signed.... Hey wait a minute, your not supposed to know my name! :P Send all your nice comments to Send all your flames, viruses, and mailbombs to Now excuse me while I make arrangements to move to canada.